
Grundtvig, 2005-2008


The objective of this Grundtvig (Socrates) project was to develop a curriculum, to teach adult learners with intellectual disabilities to participate actively in decisions made at the micro-, meso, and macro-level: 

  • how do you make decisions, for yourself? (micro-level)
  • How do you make decisions, in a group? (meso-level)
  • How are decisions made in your organisation, community, city or country? Are you involved in these decisions, is it possible to influence these decisions, and if so, how? (macro-level)

In the curriculum, learners learn to solve realistic problems in their own lives. They practice strategies and learn skills that they can use to practice every-day problems in their own lives

The curriculum was developed in close co-operation with the target group: adult learners with intellectual disabilities, their relatives, coaches and teachers. 
The curriculum consists of 3 modules with lesson plans, materials, a website and a teacher's guide.  The curruculum was developed by all partners,  then localised for each country, to take into account the specific situation of adults with intellectual disabilities, in the participating countries.


The project ran from 1 October 2005, to September 2008.


The Together! project was co-ordinated by Pragma.

Other partners in the project were: