Deaf Enterprise

Project Number: 2016-1-UK01-KA202-024361

September 2016 - August 2018

Many Deaf sign language users in the EU are unemployed. Or: they work in unrewarding, unchallenging jobs with no opportunities for further learning or promotion.

The EU very much wants to encourage 'entrepreneurship', see the Entrepreneurship Action Plan, adopted by the EC in January 2013. The aim: to promote Europe's entrepreneurial spirit, by educating young people about entrepreneurship; highlighting opportunities for women and other groups; easing administrative requirements; making it easier to attract investors.


Most of the information, tools, resources for young entrepreneurs are not accessible to Deaf people. No information has been translated into any of the sign languages of the EU. Videos on  are not even subtitled.


We decided that we want to develop a resource for Deaf people about being, or become an entrepreneur: Deaf Enterprise! 


We applied for Erasmus+ funding, and our application was successful. The official starting date of our project: September 1, 2016.