National Sign Languages
- Lengua de Signos Española, LSE
- Lengua de Señas Catalana, Lengua de Signos Catalana, Llengua de Signes Catalana, LSC
In English: Spanish Sign Language, Catalonian Sign Language
Language Status:
- LSE: 5 (Developing). Recognized language (2007, Law 27, Official language of deaf community).
- LSC: 5 (Developing). Statutory language of provincial identity in Balearic Islands Autonomous Community (1985, Autonomy Act, No. 2, 1985, Article 3(2)). Recognized language (2006, Basic Law No. 6 of 19 July).
Legal Recognition
"On June 28, 2007, Spanish and Catalan Sign Languages were recognised by the Spanish Parliament to be official languages in Spain. This recent legal development has opened a door to reinforced communication in the areas of healthcare, justice, education and MCM. So far, the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia, Andalusia, and Valencia had granted the use of sign languages to the Deaf. In the other Spanish regions no sign languages were so far recognised, and support in terms of sign language interpretation for Deaf persons has been minimal or confined by different budgets. As pointed out, there are three sign languages claimed by Deaf organisations: Spanish Sign Language, Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and Valencian Sign Language (LSPV), although some linguists consider these to be the same."
"Although a regional law guarantees the presence of Catalan Sign Language since 1994 in all areas under the Catalan Government, such as education and media, until recently it was officially recognised the LSC in the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 2006."
"Sign Language Legislation in the European Union", Wheatley, M., A. Pabsch., Edition II. Brussels, EUD, 2012:
Law 27/2007 (..) recognises Spanish Sign Language in its article 1 (Objectives of the law). Chapter I regulates sign language in education, and Chapter II refers specifically to sign language interpreters. Lastly, provisions for a Centre for Linguistic Standardisation are made. This was updated through a new law (Real Decreto 946/2001 ..) which specifies the work of the Centre regarding research and awareness raising and the appropriate use of sign language.
Because Spain is organised into 17 Autonomous Regions (Comunidades Autonomas, CA) there are a number of regional laws that regulate and recognise Spanish/Catalan Sign language (..)."
National Sign Language (Research) Centre
- Spanish Sign Language Standardization Center, CNLSE
- Fundación CNSE para la Supresión de las Barreras de Comunicación, Madrid, Span
- La Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Laboratori de Llengua de Signes Catalana