UN CRPD, 2006 (21)
ARTICLE 21: Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information
"States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise the right to freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas on an equal basis with others and through all forms of communication of their choice, as defined in article 2 of the present Convention, including by: (..)
e) Recognizing and promoting the use of sign languages."
European Parliament Resolution on Sign Languages, 1988 (2)
"The European Parliament (..)
2. Calls on the Commission to make a proposal to the Council concerning official recognition of the sign language used by deaf people in each Member State; "
Verena Kausneker, 2008
"In summary, it is necessary to take measures to protect, promote and support the fields of research, use, teaching and learning of the national sign language/s of every country."
European Parliament resolution on sign languages and professional sign language interpreters (2016/2952(RSP)) (18)
"The European Parliament, (..)
18. Notes that reasonable accommodation measures, which include the provision of professional sign language interpreters, must be taken to ensure equal access to employment, education and training;"
Recommendation 1598 (2003) on the protection of Sign languages in the member states of the Council of Europe (5)
"For the above reasons, and in the knowledge that only action at European level will afford a solution to this problem, the Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers devise a specific legal instrument on the rights of sign language users, and accordingly:
9.3. consider drafting an additional protocol to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages incorporating sign languages into the charter, among the non-territorial minority languages."
EUD Impact Report 2014 (2)
"EUD therefore advocates the right to sign language as an essential prerequisite to ensure full and equal citizenship for all deaf people."
Recommendation 1598 (2003) on the protection of Sign languages in the member states of the Council of Europe (2)
"The Assembly also recognises sign languages as a complete and natural means of communication for deaf people.
The Assembly takes the view that official recognition of these languages will help deaf people to become integrated into society and gain access to justice, education and employment."
UN CRPD, 2006 (2)
"Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture."
European Parliament resolution on sign languages and professional sign language interpreters (2016/2952(RSP)) (1)
"The European Parliament, (..) 1. Stresses the need for qualified and professional sign language interpreters, which can only be met on the basis of the following approach:
(a) official recognition of national and regional sign language(s) in Member States and within EU institutions, "
EUD Impact Report 2014
"Inherent to EUD’s work is the belief that the right to sign language is a basic Human Right."
Recommendation 1598 (2003) on the protection of Sign languages in the member states of the Council of Europe (4)
"For the above reasons, and in the knowledge that only action at European level will afford a solution to this problem, the Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers devise a specific legal instrument on the rights of sign language users, and accordingly:
9.2. define clear goals to be achieved, exact deadlines to be met, and resources and methods to be used, founded on a full study of requirements with the mandatory participation of associations representing the users of these languages;"
European Parliament resolution on sign languages and professional sign language interpreters (2016/2952(RSP)) (9)
"The European Parliament, (..)
9. Stresses that deaf, deafblind and hard-of-hearing citizens must have access to the same information and communication as their peers in the form of sign language interpretation, subtitling, speech-to-text and/or alternative forms of communication, including oral interpreters;"
European Parliament Resolution on Sign Languages, 1988 (10)
"The European Parliament (..)
10. Calls upon Member States, in cooperation with the Commission, to support pilot projects aimed at teaching sign language to hearing children and adults, using deaf people trained for the purpose and to back research in this area; "
European Parliament resolution on sign languages and professional sign language interpreters (2016/2952(RSP)) (33)
"The European Parliament, (..)
33. Urges Eurostat to ensure that statistics on deaf, deafblind and hard-of-hearing sign language users are supplied to the EU institutions so they can better define, implement and analyse their disability and language policies;"
Recommendation 1598 (2003) on the protection of Sign languages in the member states of the Council of Europe
"The Assembly recognises sign languages as the expression of Europe’s cultural wealth. They are a feature of Europe’s linguistic and cultural heritage."
Recommendation 1598 (2003) on the protection of Sign languages in the member states of the Council of Europe (3)
"For the above reasons, and in the knowledge that only action at European level will afford a solution to this problem, the Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers devise a specific legal instrument on the rights of sign language users, and accordingly:
9.1. instruct the relevant bodies of the Council of Europe to undertake a preparatory study in consultation with national experts and representatives of the deaf community in order to clarify outstanding issues in regard to the protection of the use of sign languages;"