National Sign Language
Balgarski žestomimicen ezik, BŽE (Български жестомимичен език)
In English: Bulgarian Sign Language
Language Status: 5 (Developing).
Legal Recognition
"Sign Language Legislation in the European Union", Wheatley, M., A. Pabsch., Edition II. Brussels, EUD, 2012:
The Bulgarian Union of the Deaf (SGB) has been trying to achieve legal recognition of their national sign language for years and was also behind the success of the recent law on sign language interpreters. They have written numerous letters to the Bulgarian Parliament, the Prime Minister, and several Ministers. In May 2010 SGB was able to secure a personal meeting with the Chairman of the Committee for Education, Youth and Sports. This resulted in Parliament being presented with detailed information on how sign languages are enshrined in laws in other European countries. Currently, the Bulgarian Union of the Deaf has the support from the Councill of Ministers to submit a proposal in the Parliament to recognise Bulgarian Sign Language as an official language."
Number of Deaf Sign Language Users
50.000 (EUD website, December 2016)